Classes & Events

Introduction to Permaculture Intensive Course

2-day Course March 15 & 16

St George, UT

Course Fee $225

A 2-day Introduction to Permaculture Intensive Course.

Join us for an immersive and hands-on Introduction to Permaculture Intensive Course! This in-person event is perfect for anyone interested in learning about sustainable gardening practices. Discover the principles of permaculture and how they can be applied to create resilient and self-sufficient ecosystems. 

What will I learn?

Permaculture is a design methodology that helps us create how we live with each other in human communities in a way that is in coordination with the cycles of nature. This course introduces the basics of Permaculture and offers practical insight that can help us shift how we see our place in the world and offers practical tools and ideas that can help us work with Nature rather than against her. The course gives participants an understanding of diverse uses and applications of Permaculture Design and its inspiring potential of turning scarcity into abundance. Participants will walk away with: 

… an understanding of what Permaculture is and the indigenous practices it is based on;

… knowledge of its ethical framework, the basic ecological attitudes of design and the design principles;

… inspiration about how it can be applied as a response to social, economic and environmental challenges and as a tool for personal transformation and social change;

... an overview of how Permaculture Design and Rainwater Harvesting practices can create abundance even in desert conditions;

… hands-on experience of design tools such as zoning, sector analysis and input-output analysis;

… a pathway for creating resilience and abundance for yourself and those you care for and a toolkit for co-creating a better world for all beings.

Course Schedule

Course Schedule may be revised.

3/15 (Friday): 

5:30 - 6:30 pm Inspiration: Permaculture for a Better World

6:30 - 7:30 pm Dinner & Social Permaculture Exchange

7:30 - 8:30 pm Ethics & Principles in Design

3/16 (Saturday): 

9 am - 11 am Land & Water

11 am - 12 pm Group Activity: Functional Analysis

Let's talk about the chicken and the egg.

12 pm - 1 pm Lunch

1 pm - 3 pm Food & Housing

3 pm - 5 pm Hands-On Learning: Soil Building

Winter is the perfect time to feed the soil!

5 pm - 6 pm Social Permaculture: Community & Governance

6 - 7:30 pm Dinner

7:30 - 8:30 pm Wrap Up

Course Instructor

Carmen Gonzales

Carmen Gonzales is an environmental specialist, water matriarch and permaculture designer who has been dedicated to helping communities develop resilience by remembering our sacred relationship with water. Carmen has worked in the Environmental Science field for over 20 years serving Tribes and rural communities and is inspired by the hope of watershed restoration through the lens of indigenous wisdom. Carmen is driven by the vision of supporting the work of revitalizing watersheds and communities through strengthening relationships that nourish land and life to serve as a model for change that can ripple out and benefit all beings everywhere.


Course fee $225

Registration has not yet opened for this course. The course fee covers registration for the course dinner on Friday, and lunch Saturday

Mayaway Collective discounts available. A limited number of work-trade and scholarships for indigenous students are available.

Get notified when registration for this course is open. Space is limited.